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Posts for June 2022

Dixon Bros., Inc. Wins National Safety Award

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The National Tank Truck Carriers Association, (NTTC), awarded their 2021 North American Safety Awards in conjunction with the NTTC annual convention held in San Diego California April 23-26, 2022.
NTTC members Safety Operations compete to earn either Grand, Honor and Merit awards recognition in several mileage category's in the associations 2021 North American Safety Contest.  Grand Award winners advance to compete for the overall safety award and the Heil Trophy which is awarded in two mileage categories.
The awards recognize tank truck operations in North America with the best safety program and safety record for the year.  The award winners demonstrate a commitment to safety that sets the tank industry apart from other sectors in the trucking business.
Dixon Bros., Inc. received their Grand Award, first place, as the winner in the For-Hire Carrier Division in the 5-7 million mile category.
Dixon Bros., Inc. won its second Grand Award, first place, for 2021 in the Personnel Safety Contest.  Winners in this category are determined by lost-time injuries per hour for each mileage class.  The Grand Award recognition for year over year improved competitive safety.  This award recognizes the hard work and dedication from our drivers, Safety Directors, staff and the owners of Dixon Bros., Inc. to promote safety on a daily basis.

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